Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Jay just walked up and down the hall. Twice.


  1. Unbelievable! It's amazing to see!
    Sending you love xoxo

  2. Awesome!!! Looking pretty good, Jay! Man, you're less pale than I am... Next step will be to start getting rid of all this baggage you're travelling with. :o)

    (P.S. Tell your nurse that your personal OT thinks the handles seem a bit high.)

  3. Rachelle SochaczevskiJune 27, 2012 at 8:59 AM


  4. Amazing Jay! Keep up the good work! You are a true inspiration.

  5. It is amazing. I am so happy for you!!!

  6. Yahoo! You're well on your way to 50m!

  7. You just continue to astound us Jay!!!! So Great to see you up like this! Kol HaKavod to you! Love, Love, Love, and hugs galore...
    So over the moon happy for you!

  8. It was truly a sight to behold.

  9. Dear Jay,
    I went to Herz and am a year younger than you. I never new you had CF until I read an opinion in the Gazette op/ed section that your wife Virginia wrote during the bird flu.

    It turns out that we have many mutual friends. Through these mutual friend's FB posts via your wife, I have been following your story.

    I just saw the video clip of you walking and I wanted to tell you how inspiring you are and how wonderful that was to see!

    You were a pretty funny guy in High School and I am sure you maintain your sense of humour to this day.

    I wish you and your family all the best!
    Caryn Roll

  10. Jay -

    Hope this isn't an intrusion on a personal moment but this blog was forwarded to me and I simply wanted to let u know that I hope u have an easy & successful recovery!

    Best Regards -

    Rob Feldman

    1. Thanks for the comment Rob, not an intrusion, entire point of the blog! Jay says hi and thanks!

  11. UP and walking, eh Jay? So what do you think about a bit of wallball this weekend? Or hitting flyballs out at Applewood or Hampstead Park? Sure I know, don't rush it - alls I'm saying is that when you're a bit further along in your recovery we may have to dredge up some of our old pastimes! m

  12. Lesli & Avi WinklerJune 27, 2012 at 3:13 PM

    Hi!! Mark has been keeping us up-to-date and we are thrilled that things have been going well so far!! Keep up the good work! We will be following the progress on the blog! Thanks for allowing us to share in this journey!

  13. Aaron and Debbie RemerJune 27, 2012 at 5:06 PM

    Hi Jay,

    Wow! What a weekend. What a roller coaster. To think that at Parashat Korach we were listening to Ella articulate to us the merciless wrath of G-D, ever so omnipotent, destroying thousands of Jewish lives because of their sinfulness and guess what? We discover that Hashem has the time and compassion for even one "pintele yid". Ever so hilarious yet at the same time soft spoken, you evoke those great qualities that the almighty sees in his people. Having led you this far and now bestowing on you the gift of continued life and good health, your purpose in life is now more enshrined.
    Your lovely daughters can now wake up each morning knowing that Daddy will be there for their batei mitsvot, sweet 16's, graduations and weddings.
    Virginia's heart is now finally redeemed for as she stood beside you for all these years, accepting the whole package with all it risks.. she got payback..big-time. Isha'ar koach Virginia.

    With love and wishes for everlasting health,

    Aaron and Debbie

  14. Hi Jay
    We are keeping up with your progress, go Jay go
    Evelyne & George Winkler
