Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tale of the Tape

The reality of being out of the hospital and returning to my modest bungalow has hit me full on. My daily to do list is lengthy. As soon as I wake up, I need to take my weight, blood pressure, pulse and temperature. Stepping on the scale was the first thing that hit me upside the head. When I entered the hospital I was in my full flyweight 123 pound form. Today, I weigh 110 pounds. That's right, I lost 10% of my body weight in 19 days. Anyone looking for a weight loss program?

Once the vital signs are done, I need to do a breathing test with some new fancy Dan device. It is on order and there is just enough room left in my bedside desk for it. The box is chock full of plugs, machines, guides and notebooks. It is lucky Virginia converted some vintage office furniture into convenient jumbo-sized nightstands. What a gem!

Once this brief routine is completed and I am fully recovered, it will be time to walk the dogs and have a hearty breakfast. I must eat quickly as I need 2 hours before I can take my anti-rejection pills at 8 am. If you are thinking backwards, that means I need to be finished my medical routine, walking the dogs and breakfast by 8. The days of getting up at 5am continue....terrific!

During the day I need to get my rehabilitation program done, do some exercise and observe my pill schedule religiously. Once I get this stuff done,then I just need to do everything else that life requires.

Each day will pretty much go like this except for clinic day or blood test day when a monkey wrench gums up my schedule as I cannot take any medicine or have any food until I get my blood work done. This only happens about once every 4.5 days at the beginning so it is not like it is complicated...


  1. Wow I thought Steve Jobs and Apple were supposed to have fixed everything. Is there not an App for post double lung transplant home self care and living??!!?? Jay stay strong and hopefully with time your regime will become more easily manageable. "Man Alive" if there is one man who can manage it; you are "the man". When times are hard lean on SnodV, your family and your friends. Also the hospital must have someone to help outpatients. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need it. Is there any contact with others who have gone through this experience? Thanks again for sharing this experience with us. Hopefully you are having a nice time at home with V and the girls and M and L. All the best K

  2. Hey Jay, Even with all you have to do I am sure it is all worth the trouble now that the breathing is easy...better get eating...must add 15 pounds and hopefully more! I am sure the food at home will be far more palatable and your weight will go in the right direction.

  3. CHERYL SOKOLOFF NOVACKJuly 15, 2012 at 2:46 PM

    A lot to learn and get used to. If anyone can do it , it's you!
