Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I always believed that I have had the easies role to play in our little medical drama. All I have to do is mostly sit on my behind and follow doctors' orders and things fall into place. People like my dear wife Virginia have to deal with reality. Getting kids to camp, picking up from camp, etc we all know the daily frustrations of life. Clearly I deal with none of these from my comfy bed! So to Virginia, my deepest gratitude for letting me focus on my own stuff.

While everyone likes to believe that Virginia is Wonder Woman, she cannot do it herself. I have come to know and love the likes of the Budman-Fish tandem, the Libmans (especially their kids affinity for our dogs!) and the fabulous duo Cliff-any! I must also mention NJ's special emergency Shabbat family, you know who you are! Each of you has played an essential role in dealing with this extremely difficult situation.

To say nothing of my family, at the moment we are quite geographically dispersed but every one has made the lovely journey to the fourth floor ICU. Your emails keep me going when you are not here.

Having a double lung transplant is a wonderful way to revive a once vibrant social network! It's been tremendous catching up with Mark, Jason times two, Marc, Gideon, Ines and Karen.

If I have somehow forgotten you, blame it on the drugs, or Virginia!

Sent from my iPad


  1. Thanks j. It is nice to know the emails and blog posts help. You be good and concentrate on making the best luggies that you can. You keep on posting I unfortunately do not have a glass in front of me but I will raise my phone glass screen in the air as a "salut" or l'chaim to both Virginia and to you ANd to all your family and friends. Cheers

  2. That used up at least a dozen thank yous.

  3. Sorry A. but Jay is unaware of your thank you policy!

  4. J. Dictator transplant policy allows for the thanking of each person only once per day. This is to reduce the no doubt burdensome burden of continuously thanking people who are only being human. Speaking for the entire race, we are thrilled to bake you and your family banana breads, navigate the treacherous route to the East end and sink millions into the parking budget of our great municipality. Therefore, we only allow one measly thank you per day - just to make you guys feel better. Because us? Puh-leeze. We don't need to be thanked.
